Types of dental emergency and what to do during a dental emergency?

Just like other health problems, dental problems can turn out to be serious at times. Dental emergencies happen without any warning, and reacting quickly in this situation will help you to avoid severe problems. In case of any major dental problem first thing you need to do is visit an emergency dental clinic in Donvale. It is best to leave the critical situations to the professional. Some situations may not need a fast response as well, so it is important to understand the difference between them.


What are the types of dental emergencies?

  • Broken tooth

    Due to an injury or accident, the tooth can break. If anything like this happens, then it will need your immediate attention. If your tooth breaks, then look for the fragments, and collect the fragments first. Clean the area with warm water and place a cold cloth over the area. And go to an emergency dental clinic in Donvale.

  • Loss of tooth

    If the injury or accident leads to the loss of a tooth, then take fast action. Collect the tooth and touch only the tooth crown. If possible, place it in your mouth socket, and if you are unable to do it, then keep it in a cup of milk. Milk will preserve the tooth, then seek immediate dental treatment in an emergency dental clinic in Donvale.

  • Toothache

    Toothache can be severe at times, and it is mainly due to an infection in the mouth. Rinse your mouth with lukewarm saltwater for a little relief. If you notice swelling, then place a cold compress on the swelling side and call the Dentist as soon as possible.

  • Mouth injury

    Mouth injuries can be serious, and you will need immediate dental treatment. If any kind of injury happens to the jaw, then the jawline may look weird. In this case, keep your jaw as still as possible. If you accidentally bite your tongue, cheek, or lip and it keeps bleeding for more than 15 minutes, then call a dentist immediately or visit a dental clinic.


Dental emergencies tips

In case of a dental emergency, you must get proper treatment but many people don't know what to do in this situation. Until they reach an emergency dentist in Donvale, you must take some safety measures to control the situation. Here are some of the tips on which you can tackle a while visiting dental emergency.

  • Breathe deeply

    Breathing deeply during an emergency situation is the best thing to do. Deep breathing helps you to calm your mind and think straight. You will need a calm mind to deal with any situation and to figure out how to proceed.

  • Store your tooth safely

    As we have mentioned earlier, in case of loss of tooth due to an accident, collect your tooth first. Keep it safe and take it with you to a dentist.

  • Call your Dentist

    After figuring out the problem, you may call the Dentist, who will guide you to take some immediate actions. The Dentist will set up an appointment to examine the situation. Explain everything to your Dentist about the situation. Follow the instructions of the Dentist to keep the dental problem in good shape.

  • Some tips to prevent injury

    Don’t chew any hard things, and don’t use your teeth to open something. Try to wear a mouthguard while playing. You can prevent dental injuries with daily healthy practices and by visiting a dental clinic once in six months. Make sure to use less acid product and increase the use of fluoride.

Holistic Dental Donvale provides emergency dental treatment and other dental treatments. They offer a wide range of comprehensive dental services in Melbourne.